Quite impressive. My favorite of your works. My only question is what is that red platform it's on in the bottom right picture and why XD
Quite impressive. My favorite of your works. My only question is what is that red platform it's on in the bottom right picture and why XD
That's just a plate. I put him on there just in case any detail was hard to see on the granite counter.
I'm glad you like it.
You are a talented sculptor
It would be even moreso impressive if you had made demon-form Tricky at the same quality work (and it is very high quality), but I realize that would be a pretty different kind of work (I assume). You deserve that 10.0
Thanks for your review, sorry it took so long to respond. I seem to be getting a few requests for Tricky's demon form. Which sounds like a good idea for the next Madness day, If I can figure out how to do it...
You are quite a skilled artist, and 1001115968 has the right idea making it a wallpaper.
Although if it is a scary movie, I'd be concerned about how happy the black one is...
Love the tiger :P
Should certainly be made into a poster.
I greatly enjoy the way you illustrated the Auditor. That art style is incredible.
You have skill. That is for sure.
I only find the angle and the area of the slope of his/her back to be a tad odd looking. I understand that it may just be the natural skeletal structure of the frog but I just find it rather awkward.
I did not know snails had such great taste in facial hair. Favorited.
That is quite a shroom Shroom
It should probably get that lump on its cap checked out, though...
I can see why the Earth is so terrified.
Quite nice. Her forehead just seems a bit too large for me, but only slightly. Keep up the good work.
What's that? Evolution? Never heard of it.
Flailing in the Ocean
Joined on 8/4/10